
Invisible pollution

micro and nanoplastics

Microplastics and nanoplastics: understanding invisible pollution When we think of plastic pollution, images of plastic bottles, straws, and other large items often come to mind. While these items certainly pose a significant problem, the majority of plastic pollution consists of microscopic particles. Depending on their size, these particles are referred to as microplastics or nanoplastics. […]

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Ocean clean-up innovations

Scientific innovations to combat ocean plastic pollution

Scientific innovations to combat ocean plastic pollution In our previous blog, we discussed how the issue of ocean plastic pollution begins on land, and that the most effective solutions also start there. But what about the massive amount of plastic that ends up in the oceans each year? This post briefly outlines several technologies aimed […]

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Sustainability of packaging materials

Sustainability of packaging materials

Sustainability of packaging materials: what you need to know Packaging is an necessary part of our daily lives. Whether it’s for storing food, protecting products during transport, or offering convenience, packaging plays a crucial role. However, the impact of packaging on the environment is significant, making it essential to understand the sustainability of different packaging […]

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Plastic pollution in the Netherlands

plastic pollution in the Netherlands

Plastic pollution in the Netherlands: challenges and solutions Plastic pollution is a global issue, and it poses a significant challenge in the Netherlands as well. Despite our country’s reputation for efficient waste management and recycling programs, various factors contribute to ongoing plastic pollution. Studies provide insights into the scope of this problem and emphasize the […]

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2024 The Ocean Movement - Created by Wilde Amsterdam & Webbakery